
3 Simple Ways to Diet After A Party

By: iTopTopics Staff

4. Healthy Eating: Add More Fiber

It is not a healthy way to cut the starch completely out of your diet. You should have some starch to keep your energy level balance. You should have about 1/4 of your plate with a starchy food. You should choose a starchy food which is loaded with fibers such as corns. Corns for diet? Yes, you heard it right.  Corns contains lots of fiber, proteins and folic acid for a healthy diet plan.

Healthy Eating: Add Fiber

- Good source of protein. 1 cup of cooked corn = 5 gram of protein

- Good source of fiber. 1 cup of cooked corn = 4 gram of fiber

- Good source of folate / folic acid. 1 cup of fresh cooked corn = 34 microgram of folate

- Good starchy, high in fiber food/snack for diet plan.
