
3 Simple Ways to Diet After A Party

By: iTopTopics Staff

2. Healthy Eating: Nuts

Nuts are nature gifts to our health. Add nuts to your diet to give yourself a healthy snacking habit.

3 Simple Ways to Diet After A Party - Nuts

Don’t let the squirrels and birds take all these treasured food away from us.

The list of health benefits coming from nuts is impressively long. Here are just a few highlight benefits from these nutty snacks:

- Good source of fiber: Nuts are high in fiber, which helps lowering your cholesterol & preventing type 2 diabetes.

- Good source of Vitamin E: Vitamin E is known to prevent the plaques developed in your arteries, which prevent the potential coronary artery disease or a heart attack.

- Good source of Omega-3 fatty acids: Omega-3 is a healthy form of fatty acid to prevent dangerous heart rhythms that can lead to hear disease.

- Good source of unsaturated fat: nuts contain both monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats which promote heart health.

The list of benefits goes on and on. But on the top list, we can see that nuts are essential sources of nutritions for your heart to stay healthy. So go ahead, go nut with nuts!
