
Top Celebrities Endorsed Hillary Clinton

By: iTopTopics Staff

10. Oprah Winfrey, the top influential TV host, supported the former first lady Hillary Clinton

This next mega powerful TV host has her own political ground, to support women and equality.

Oprah Winfrey endorsed Hillary Clinton

Even though the media mogul endorsed Barrack Obama over Hillary Clinton during their run for the 2008 presidential race, but she has lent her support this time around to Clinton with the campaign slogan: “I’m with her.” In an interview with Entertainment Tonight, Oprah told Nancy O’dell that, “Regardless of your politics, it’s a seminal moment for women. What this says is, there is no ceiling, that ceiling just went boom! It says anything is possible when you can be leader of the free world.”

Oprah appeared at the White House in June 2016 for its United State of Women Summit with Michelle Obama, where the two spoke about gender equality, life in the White House, and the first family's thoughts about post-presidency life. With her strong support of the women movement right and equality, there is no surprise Oprah would be all in to support Hillary Clinton for the president.
