
Spring Gardening Tips

By: iTopTopics Staff

Spring Gardening Tips - Prepare Garden Soil

2) Prepare your garden soil

Your garden soil has been idle during the winter time. Before planting anything, you need to give the garden beds some attention. Soil provides nutrients and water for plants. Check your soil to see if it is too compact, hard and crusty when dry, or too sticky and packed like clay when wet, plants will not be able to thrive well in these soil conditions. To maintain and improve soil conditions, mix organic matter and fertilizers into the soil before planting, and prepare and cultivate the soil when dry or slightly moist.

Organic matter makes the soil loose (friable) and easy to work. It improves nutrient and moisture-control capacity, drainage and aeration. If you have a pile of well-rotted manure or compost, or leaf mulch, use them to mix the top layer of your garden soil (8 to 12 inches depth). This task should be done at least a month before planting.

To learn more on how to compost right in your backyard, check out this home composting article.

In preparing the seedbed, do not work the soil when it is too wet. Wait for it to dry sufficiently so it crumbles in your hands. Level the area by raking. Then make raised beds if using furrow irrigation.
