
Fruit Salad Recipes

By: iTopTopics Staff

Mango Salad

Fruit Salad Recipe: Mango, Grapefruit and Fennel Salad

Mango is one of the summer favorite fruits, not only for its delicious, sweet & luscious taste but also for its immense health benefits.

Mango is an excellent source of vitamin A. According to the National Institute of Health, Vitamin A is responsible for immune function, vision, reproduction and cellular communication. It also supports cell growth and plays a critical role in the normal formation and maintenance of the heart, kidneys, lungs and other organs. 100 g of fresh mango provides 765 IU or 25% of recommended daily levels of vitamin-A. It is also an excellent source of vitamin-C and vitamin-E. These vitamins in mango give it the power to fight infectious diseases, boost immune system and anti-aging factors (because of the Vitamin A, C & E helps to produce collagens). Consuming raw mangoes also promote brain health and alertness because the abundant amount of vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) inside mangoes.

For these listed benefits and more, when mangoes are in season, enjoy a fresh plate of this mango salad to give your body and your mind the nutrients they need and at the same time you’d be satisfied with a great starter salad for your meal.

This tropical fruit salad plate is so refreshing on a hot summer day. It pairs very well with any grilled meat. In our areas, we can find ripe but firm mangoes almost any season, so this fruit salad recipe is a year-round favorite dish. The crunch of the mangoes added with the citric tangy taste of grapefruits will awake your sense for a great start of any meal.

Click here for the recipe

Reference material:

Vitamin A
