
Fascinating Facts About Supermoon

By: iTopTopics Staff

The moon controls female fertility cycle.

Fact or Fiction?

Supermoon rising over Gulf of Corinth, Greece

Supermoon rising over Gulf of Corinth, Greece

The ancient astrologers of Babylon and Assyria claimed that: "Woman is fertile during a certain phase of the moon." A British study also found that men's sperm counts significantly increase during their lunar fertility periods.

While the relationship between the moon and our bodies is not well understood, lunar phases have been said to affect other aspects of our lives from our moods to our emotions. The mystery is remained till this day on the intertwined relationship between the menstrual cycle and the lunar cycle.

If you are curious when your lunar fertility phase is, there are websites to provide you with this information based on when you were born and your average menstrual cycle. Your personal lunar phase is repeated every month when the moon is in the exact position in relation to the sun as it was at the time of your birth.
